
Unlock rapid partnerships with emerging tech innovation

Streamlined partner identification with access to exclusive insights. Be confident in enterprise readiness, and partner faster with less risk.


Explore an extensive marketplace of tailored tech solutions for insurance companies


Forge strategic connections with pre-screened, enterprise ready EmTechs


Access insights and solutions to stay at the forefront of tech innovation

Use cases

Discover how different users within insurance companies leverage TechPassport's platform to navigate complex tech landscapes.

Tap to discover how different users within insurance companies leverage TechPassport's platform to navigate complex tech landscapes.

MicrosoftTeams-image (2)
I am an Innovation & Strategy Leader with a keen eye for identifying strategic opportunities and fostering innovation within my organisation. My primary goal is to be at the forefront of industry advancements and uncover potential partners who align with our vision.
MicrosoftTeams-image (3)



I am an Innovation & Strategy Leader with a keen eye for identifying strategic opportunities and fostering innovation within my organisation. My primary goal is to be at the forefront of industry advancements and uncover potential partners who align with our vision.


MicrosoftTeams-image (2)
I am a Product Leader looking for all the viable EmTechs who can pass my organisations due diligence process and who have a product to solve a business problem my team is facing in to.
MicrosoftTeams-image (3)


Analytics suite

I am a Product Leader looking for all the viable EmTechs who can pass my organisations due diligence process and who have a product to solve a business problem my team is facing in to.


Analytics suite
MicrosoftTeams-image (2)
I am a Solutions Architect and I want to stay on the pulse of emerging tech and concepts coming in to the market without having to continuously research.
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I am a Solutions Architect and I want to stay on the pulse of emerging tech and concepts coming in to the market without having to continuously research.


MicrosoftTeams-image (2)
I am a Procurement Leader and I want to have a clear pipeline of projects coming to plan my resources and I would like to have a clear understanding of the nature of the services to aid the procurement process.
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Enterprise readiness

I am a Procurement Leader and I want to have a clear pipeline of projects incoming to plan my resources and I would like to have a clear understanding of the nature of the services to aid the procurement process.


Enterprise readiness
MicrosoftTeams-image (2)
I am a ExCo member, and I need holistic insights into our collaboration with emerging tech, ensuring alignment with strategy and agility to seize market opportunities.
MicrosoftTeams-image (3)


Analytics suite

I am an ExCo member, and I need holistic insights into our collaboration with emerging tech, ensuring alignment with strategy and agility to seize market opportunities.


Analytics Suite

Product features

Swipe to find out more about key features of the TechPassport platform that benefit insurance companies.

Enterprise readiness

Comprehensive, valuable and trusted scoring exclusive to TechPassport

ERQ score

Unlock visibility of the comprehensive enterprise readiness questionnaire

Funding round insights

Gain a competitive edge with tailored funding round insights

Industry traction report

Navigate industries with precision using our industry traction report


Scout, find, connect, and collaborate: your all-in-one solution for seamless partnerships with emerging tech


Stay one step ahead with watchlists: a customised scouting tool for emerging tech, configurable for new entrant alerts

Product comparison

Make informed choices with product comparison: evaluating options, finding the best fit, and staying ahead of the curve

Invite suppliers

Effortless supplier gathering: simplify supplier invitations and onboarding by centralising to one platform

Analytics suite

Unlock the EmTech ecosystem with database insights and actionable analytics in one powerful solution

Company insights

Access exclusive information for making data-influenced decisions with confidence

Products insights

Streamlined product insights for effortless analysis and shortlisting

Ready to get started?

Search, connect and innovate today